[GIS] What should QGIS course for advanced ArcGIS Desktop users cover


I will build a 16 hour (2 day) course on QGIS for ArcGIS users. The target users that breathe and sleep ArcGIS. As we're trying to reduce our costs, we're thinking of switching some people to QGIS and having a floater ArcGIS license rather than have everyone with it. I've used QGIS extensively and very familiar with it (versions 0.7 to 1.8)

Are there any course materials that are specific to "QGIS to ArcGIS" or that target advanced operations in QGIS?

Best Answer

The QGIS project site's How Do I Do That in QGIS should be a good starting point.

It is intended to show how to perform basic GIS operations in QGIS in the most straightforward way. It is modelled after “How do I do that in ArcGIS/Manifold?: illustrating classic GIS tasks”. That document illustrated a selection of tasks which were thought to be representative of common usage in 2004, and was itself derived from a checklist of essential GIS functions that was included in 1988 in “A Process for Selecting Geographic Information Systems”.

You might have a hard time looking for materials that target advanced operations QGIS operations, though. Those usually are part of paid training sessions offered by consulting companies. I think you're better off asking your users what operations they need and then mapping them to the QGIS equivalents, assuming there are any. You can then build your own materials based on those. That way, you'd end up with customized materials that actually meet your users needs.

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