[GIS] What projection to use in ArcMap for a map that extends over Wgs84 UTM 31 and 32

arcgis-desktopcartographycoordinate system

I have a WGS84 UTM map that extends over two UTM zones(31N and 32N). Using either of them distorts my map and ArcGIS allows you to choose only one projection per map.

Please what can I do?

Best Answer

If you're just looking at displaying the data and since neighboring zones have some overlap (1 degree), you may consider reprojecting the zone with the least amount of data - pending there isn't too much of a spread. Note that is there is too much spread this method will introduce distortion which could affect areal calculations.

Alternatively, since your data spans multiple zones you might consider using a projection that is zone independent - you can choose something simple like WGS 1984 World Mercator, which is available under Projected Coordinate Systems > World in ArcGIS.

If you provide a more defined area of interest (or picture of the data) someone may be able to offer a more location-specific solution.