[GIS] What projection system for the entire world should I use to calculate distances ArcGis

arcgis-10.0coordinate system

I've got two point shapefiles (A and B) that represent features all over the world, and I'm using Near (Analysis Tools-Proximity). I'm trying to calculate the distances between the points in layer A and layer B and I'm not obtaining the correct distance values. What projection system should I use?


Best Answer

The answer is "None".

It is not possible to create a projection of the world which preserve the scale in all direction from any point of the world.

The cylindrical equidistant projection, you only have true distance along the meridians and along the equator. So if your points don't have the same longitude, you get it wrong.

With an azimuthal equidistant projection, you would need to center it on every point from layer in order to have true distance.

So, my recommendation is to use Python in order to get your "great circle" distance. You can see this post based on the geopy package. First you compute the geographic coordinates of your points (calculate geometry), then you measure your distances in a loop.