[GIS] What needs to be done to ArcGIS Server if the server machine/host name is changed


We have a Windows Server 2008 where ArcGIS Server 10 was installed. Not much has been done with the machine yet, but the name of the machine had to be changed after the ArcGIS installation. The old server name was DAYTONA and the new name of the server is PIGIRON (names changed to protect the innocent).

In the server activity log there is a message:
"Machine daytona is not a valid server container. Machine daytona is not found."

I also see an error in the system event log that reads:
"DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer daytona using any of the configured protocols."

I found a reference to daytona in the file C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Server10.0\server\system\Server.dat, but when I remove the machine reference in this file, save it, and restart the SOM, the machine reference gets put back into this file. This leads me to believe that there are other things that need to be updated because of the server name change.

I found something on ESRI's website about doing this on a Linux or AIX box and the three step solution was uninstall ArcGIS, rename the server, install ArcGIS. I might end up doing that, but thought there might be a way to do it with out reinstalling everything.

The SOC is not listed in ArcCatalog under this GIS Server. We tried adding it anyway, and then removing it, but that didn't work.

Best Answer

It should be sufficient to just re-run both Post-Installs. If that doesn't do it, you'll likely need a full reinstall.