[GIS] What does ‘projected bounds’ and ‘WGS84 bounds’ mean in the definition of a CRS (on spatialreference.org)

coordinate systemepsgutm

The site http://spatialreference.org gives 'Projected Bounds' and 'WGS84 Bounds' for each Coordinate System. What does these 'bounds' mean? e.g. for ETRS89 / UTM zone 32 N this is given:enter image description here

I know what the difference between 'WGS84' and 'Projected' means. I want to know why there are 'bounds'.

In epgs.org there are no such bounds. For 'ETRS89 / UTM zone 32 N' epsg.org says:
enter image description here
So epsg.org includes Germany (which is valid) while the bounds of spatialreference.org did not include Germany.

(I want to understand what the 'bounds' mean because AutoCAD Map 3D seams do use these bound when consuming a WGS service.)

Best Answer

The bounds are the area that the projection is "well defined" for. The most well known example of a poorly behaved projection is spherical mercator as you move towards the poles (>85 degrees). The projected bounds is this area in the units and projection of the CRS you are interested in while WGS84 bounds are those corners (un)projected in to WGS84.

So I would guess (and with out reading the manual or the code its hard to tell) that the AutoCad developers decided to avoid the risk of mathematical instability or unacceptable errors creeping in and limited you to the safe bounds.

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