ArcGIS 10.0 Error – What Does ‘DBMS Table Not Found’ Message Mean?


I have a plain postgressql table (version 8.2). I am trying to connect to it to it from ArcGIS desktop 10.0, and use as a query layer, as given in this document:

I can see the tables, but I get the error message 'DBMS table not found'
enter image description here

What exactly is the issue? How do I connect to it?

Best Answer

Here is the solution that I found. My Table's names contained capital letters. Once I used a table with the name in all small letters, I got no error message, and could use the Query layer.


How did if find out this is the cause, you ask? I was searching for Postgresql and Query layers, and I found this post on the ArcGIS Forums, which says that ArcGIS has problems connecting to Databases with capitals in their name.

My database did not have capital letters in the name, but the Tables did have. You can even see that in the "List of Tables Window", ArcGIS list the table with names in all small.

This is probably why it gives the error message saying 'DBMS table not found' since in the query it tries to find a table with names is all small, which does not exist.