QGIS – Causes of Wrong Placement of JPGs in Version 2.8.1


I have the same issue explained in this post:

How to keep georeferencing from ArcGIS when importing raster into QGIS?

But my problem is with .jpg files.

I have georeferenced with ArcGIS 10.2.2 many images with the jpg extension. ArcGIS created *.jpw, *.jpg.aux.xml, and *.jpg.ovr files.

When I load these file to QGIS the image seems to be not georeferenced, since they do not place at their exact coordinates. The coordinates show troubles too, as they are in the form of 1000, -2000.


This is a non-working World File (type *.jgw):


This is a working World File (type *.jgw):


I tried renaming some of the World files to *.jgw (as I found that some of the World Files are in this format, and ONE of them is working), *.jpgw, *.wld, *.jpw, but none of them as worked.

Same problem comes with *.tif and *.tfwx files.

When I load the images in QGIS they are placed at coordinates 0,0 and their extents are totally erroneous, since they appear in the form of:


I really don't know how to proceed now. Exporting all the images from ArcGis to other formats is a big work since I have hundreds of georeferenced images with ArcGis, but I would like to give it a try. I loaded one of the previously georeferenced raster to ArcMap and opened the "Georeferencing Toolbar": the "Rectify" button is greyed out. What should I do to "un-grey out" the button? The only way that comes to my mind is to start adding links, appending more links to the georeferenced image but I don't think that's the best solution.

Best Answer

I can answer my own question, because I found the solution. It is a known QGIS 2.8.1. bug that is going to be fixed with version 2.8.2. The problem is with rotational informations stored in the World File. The bug is causing the misreading of such informations. If you try to change rotational information in the World File to be zero (actually all the World Files with rotational information different from zero are having problems for me), QGIS can finally read and place the georeferenced image at their real coordinates (with obviously an error due to the lack of the rotation).

For italian speaking people, I found the answer here:


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