[GIS] What cartographic line symbol could make a coastline represent water like this old map


I live in a coastal area with lots of islands. Sometimes with a black and white map it's hard to distinguish land from sea. So I'm trying to replicate this old map's style. Old Map with offset coastline

I'm trying to do this in QGIS but if it's easier in ArcGIS I'd be happy to hear how to do it in there as well. At first I tried to make multiple simple lines and offset the duplicates but it offsets them inside as well as outside. So then I made an SVG with offset lines and I got closer to what I'm aiming for but since the SVG is a rectangle shape there are gaps and overlaps at every angle. QGIS attempt

Does anyone have any tips?

Best Answer

Thank you for the link but the tutorial was assuming ArcInfo license. There was a comment that included instructions for how to do it with only ArcView but I figured it out pretty much with QGIS.

I just made successively bigger borders, alternating between black-fill/black-border, and white-fill/white-border. Cartographic Tidal Zones

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