[GIS] What are some of the OSX GIS tools


Most Opensource tools are cross platform; however, some GIS tools such as ArcGIS are platform specific (windows only). What are some of the GIS tools that are usable on the mac?


Although thank you for putting the basic apps in your answers, my question specifies that Most if not all of opensource tools are cross platform, I was really hoping to get more obscure libraries, packages, and programs that I didn't know about on OSX similar to dotspatial and sharpmap for windows

Best Answer

go to kingchaos and you have all the FOSS4G desktop GIS compiled for Mac: - GRASS GIS - Quantum GIS + PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GDAL and others (Mapserver)

You have also OpenJump, GvSIG, Udig, Ossim and Cartographica (not free, 495 $) + R and R spatial packages + Merkatoor (OpenStreetMap editor) + some other things