[GIS] WFS won’t load properly in QGIS


I am trying to access a WFS from geoserver in QGIS, and when I load it, it comes in very strangely:

enter image description here

I can access it directly from the postgres database and it comes in fine. I'm wondering if there are settings to the geoserver layer I can adjust so that it comes in properly? WMS comes in ok, except when zoomed to full extent not all the features draw, in areas where there are a lot of polygons (it is a parcel layer with @ 170K records). When I zoom in on the WMS, the feature draw. But I'd really like to figure out what is going on with the WFS. I've also tried to load in feature for a limited extent with the same result.

Best Answer

I do not know the main reason but the GML from the service has some odd coordinate values:

gml:coordinates xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" ts=" " cs="," decimal=".">-1.295840489020236E7,5410000.64865586,0 -Infinity,-1.295837966400454E7,5410000.48182336 0,-Infinity,-1.295837994378932E7 5409958.2865818,0,-Infinity -1.295839798043889E7,5409958.40587354,0 -Infinity,-1.295840516987279E7,5409958.45341379 -1.295840489020236E7,5410000.64865586,0

It looks like your data have XYZ coordinates with all the Z values of "-Infinity". Perhaps that makes problems for QGIS. Because you do not seem to know real Z I would have a try by converting parcel polygons into XY geometries and publishing these 2D parcels as a new feature type.

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