[GIS] WFS request works in Geoserver but server returns error


I'm trying to send a WFS request to my Geoserver but there is something wrong. Here's what I get when I select the JSONP:

Here's the javascript:

    var owsrootUrl = '';

var defaultParameters = {
    service : 'WFS',
    version : '1.0',
    request : 'GetFeature',
    typeName : 'beta:admin>',
    outputFormat : 'text/javascript',
    format_options : 'callback:getJson',
    SrsName : 'EPSG:4326'

var parameters = L.Util.extend(defaultParameters);
var URL = owsrootUrl + L.Util.getParamString(parameters);

var WFSLayer = null;
var ajax = $.ajax({
    url : URL,
    dataType : 'jsonp',
    jsonpCallback : 'getJson',
    success : function (response) {
        WFSLayer = L.geoJson(response, {
            style: function (feature) {
                return {
                    stroke: true,
                    fillColor: '#FF0000',
                    fillOpacity: 0
            onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
                popupOptions = {maxWidth: 200};
                layer.bindPopup("Popup text, access attributes with feature.properties.ATTRIBUTE_NAME"

Nothing shows up on the web page, and Firebug shows that the request is made to the server, but the response is:

Feature type beta:states> unknown

It seems like the feature type is unknown, but I don't know now to fix it.

Best Answer

You have a typo in your script.There is a letter ">" in your layername.

Its typeName : 'beta:admin' and not typeName : 'beta:admin>' (but obviously a layer named "beta:admin" is not published in your geoserver)

for your states-layer it's:

var defaultParameters = {
    service : 'WFS',
    version : '1.0',
    request : 'GetFeature',
    typeName : 'beta:states',
    outputFormat : 'text/javascript',
    format_options : 'callback:getJson',
    SrsName : 'EPSG:4326'


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