[GIS] way to snap to apparent intersections in ArcGIS 10.1+


Suppose there are two lines in an ArcMap 10.1 or 10.2 editing session that cross but do not intersect, per se. This is the case when new lines a drawn. Is there a way to snap to the point where the lines cross?

AutoCAD has this ability, and calls these intersections apparent intersections. In the situation below, two new lines (Line 1 & Line 2) are drawn. In Example X, Line 2 was just created and topology has not been checked. The cursor is hollow because the create new feature tool is selected.

In Example X, the snapping tip feature indicates there is no node to snap to at Point A. However, in Example Y, there is a point to snap to at Point A, because topology was checked in Example Y.

Example X
screenshot showing example x

Example Y
screenshot showing example y

So, short of checking for topology errors, there does not seem to be a way to snap to apparent intersections.

Conditions notes

  • All snapping options are on:
    snapping toolbar
  • Classic snapping is not enabled.
  • The only relevant topology rules to this layer are:
    enter image description here
  • The system here is running ArcGIS 10.2, with features in 10.1 SDE on Oracle.

Best Answer

If you use the drop arrow on the snapping toolbar, you can select "intersection snapping". It will snap intersections even if there are no vertices.

enter image description here