[GIS] way to set the attribute name dynamically via sld substitution in Geoserver


In Geoserver, a have a SLD style with a rule that looks like this

                <ogc:Function name="env">

                <ogc:Function name="env">

                <CssParameter name="fill">
                <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">

In the WMS request, i send an env parameter, specifing the property and the value1 parameters for dynamic sld substitution. The property parameter gets a value of an attribute name that exists on the layer I want to display the style with.

My solution won't work. I get an exception, saying:

The requested style cannot be used with this layer. The style
specifies an attribute property and the layer is: …

Is there a way to set the attribute name dynamically via sld substitution in Geoserver? And if yes, how can I achive that?

I am using Geoserver 2.7.2

Btw. this works:



                <ogc:Function name="env">


Best Answer

I could not work this out. The feature of dynamically setting property names via env variables seems not to be supported at this moment.

I ended up with a different solution now (using the Geoserver REST API for styles) and I am quite happy with it.

Here is what I did: based on what the user enters on the GUI, I manually wrote sld (as a complete string). Then, I uploaded this string to the style REST endpoint of Geoserver, setting the correct content-header, as described here: http://docs.geoserver.org/2.7.1/user/rest/api/styles.html

Every style is getting a unique identifier. Before uploading a style, I try to download it via GET to see if it exists. If I get a 404, I do a POST to upload a new style. Otherwise, I upload my string with a PUT to modify the existing style. Once a style has been uploaded, I use the style Id in WMS GetMap requests.