[GIS] way to import GeoJSON into GeoServer using some extension without using PostGIS


Is there a way to import GeoJSON into GeoServer using some extension.
I do not want to import to PostGIS, or intermediately convert to shapefiles because that looses the styles but may be that is separate issue may be with ogr2ogr.

I have installed importer and importer-bdb extension. But still format not recognized error was coming while trying to import via the REST API. Same error was coming while trying to import via importer via web interface of GeoServer.

Is there some other extension which does it?

Little background of above process. I have some R-lang scripts which creates GeoJSON (120MB) which I am trying to upload to GeoServer so that I can see results overlaid on Google Maps via WMS/WFS.

Best Answer

Actually, Geoserver don't support GeoJSON files likes store. But you have another option, you can use MongoDB extension to use MongoDB like Database, it's a very good option with this kind of files. Good luck.