[GIS] way to export QGIS layers to KML


has had anyone had any luck with the new experimental plugin qgis2kml?
I keep getting the error msg layer : format not yet supported

I had a look but the author has not provided any documentation, although I can't access the author's homepage at the moment.
I tried different projections, but other parts of the error message refer to symbology.

Best Answer

PlanetGIS has always been easiest for me when I want to export files as KML. You can download a trial version of PlanetGIS here: http://www.planetgis.co.za/ Once you have installed PlanetGIS and opened a .shp, go File---> Export ----> Select the file you want to export, then select the destination folder and name it (remember to select KML or KMZ from the dropdown menu). You then have the option of exporting the file as a single placemark or with attributes. Unfortunately, if you select only some of the attributes, it exports all of them anyway. It also allows you to select a display label, which is useful.

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