[GIS] way to draw a straight line on a map which also represents a straight line on the earth surface

coordinate systemopenlayers-2

I'm trying to understand more on projections.

enter image description here

In this example, why must one calculate the curvature of the earth (great circle) if the map is already projected? Is there a way to draw a visibly straight line on that map which also represents a straight line on the surface of the earth? Why or Why Not?

Best Answer

The only projection for which any straight line corresponds to a great circle is the Gnomonic projection. Additionally, any straight line drawn through the center of a map in any azimuthal projection (of which the Gnomonic is one) will be a great circle. In azimuthal projections, distances can be (but are not necessarily) preserved along lines passing through the center, but never for lines that do not pass through the center.

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