[GIS] Waiting for Python script tool to complete in ModelBuilder


I have an Arcgis (10) model which has 2 process that need to be run sequentially.

The 1st process is a python script that creates multiple rasters, but that output is not known to ModelBuilder, therefore I can't use it as a precondition. Or at least not as outline in Example #1 in that page. Maybe there's another route I haven't discovered.

The 2nd process needs those rasters in order to operate. How do I let #2 know when #1 is complete so it may start execution?

To reproduce build a model with:

Process_1: a script which runs PolygonToRaster several times, converting each field in the attribute table to a raster (here, but field list will need to be edited).

Process_2: Run LessThanFrequency Spatial Analyst tool on the results (but really the tool doesn't matter).

Best Answer

As @PolyGeo mentioned, add a fourth parameter to your script tool with the following properties:

  • Data Type: Raster
  • MultiValue: Yes
  • Type: Derived
  • Direction: Output

Then, in your script, build up a list of paths to your output rasters. Upon completion, join them as a semicolon delimited string and pass that to SetParameterAsText to set the derived parameter.

You should then be able to directly connect the script tool to the Polygon to Raster tool.

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