[GIS] Visualizing map from Spatialite DB on Mobile


I am working on an Android application for a school project.

I am converting shapefiles (examples) into SQLite databases using SpatiaLite and performing queries on those databases on the mobile with SpatiaLite-Android.

I am still looking for a way to visually display the map data on Android for user interaction. For example, I would like the user be able to zoom in/out and pan the map around. I also intend show the user her current location with respect to the map.

It would be great if my app can draw maps directly from the SQLite database with SpatiaLite. Can anyone offer tips on this? If this is not possible or not advisable, can anyone suggest alternatives?

NOTE: My app needs to function in offline mode.

Best Answer

You can use a local db create from a .shp using tile format stored in db called .mbtiles and for spatial querys still use spatialite. You can use ESRI sdk for android for maps visibility.