OSM Waypoints – How to View Waypoints in OpenStreetMap


I have a GPX file with my waypoints.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.0">
    <name>My Favorites</name>
    <wpt lat="-26.7183013" lon="-54.8139346">
    <wpt lat="-26.7099827" lon="-54.8201895">
    <wpt lat="-26.6907555" lon="-54.8205221">

Now I want to display them on the OpenStreetMap map.

How can I do this?

I can only drag the file on thr website when in edit mode and even then I do not see them.

Related: osm-personal-points-of-interest

Best Answer

Assuming that you understand German, you can use my Openlayers solution to display GPX tracks and waypoints on top of OSM or other tiles:



Removed the files since they don't work anymore with modern browsers.