Oracle DBMS – How to Undo Edits in Unregistered Table from Versioned to Unversioned in Edit Session


I'm considering switching some of my tables in an Oracle enterprise geodatabase from versioned to unversioned.

The pros of having unversioned tables would be:

But of course, there are a few cons:

  • Users can't create and edit named versions. This isn't a huge problem for me, because my organization ultimately doesn't use versioning technology properly anyway. We don't really do long-transaction editing, which is what versioning is intended for. Instead, we just do short transactions on the default version (without creating separate versions).

  • It's only possible to edit either registered or unregistered tables in an edit session. Not both. So users have to stop editing and switch between edit modes to edit one kind of data or the other.

  • It's not possible to undo or redo edits in an edit session on unregistered tables.

This last one is a potential deal breaker. It's really quite infuriating to not be able to undo an edit in an edit session. Sure, the user can stop editing, and not save the changes, but then they lose all the unsaved edits in that edit session.

Is there a way to undo/redo edits on unregistered tables in ArcGIS Desktop?

Best Answer

The best resource I've come across to provide an answer is Esri's Not registered as versioned or unregistering data as versioned

There are no ways I'm aware of redoing/undoing edits in unregistered tables. However, this resource provides further insight as to possibly finding a solution.

....As mentioned above, your data is initially not registered as versioned. If it remains in this state, you can perform nonversioned edits, and you can create a topology, network dataset, or geometric network.

If you've already registered a feature class as versioned and need to perform one of the above operations, you must unregister the feature class as versioned. When you unregister a feature class, the delta tables are dropped from the database—that means all versioned edits that were made but not posted will be lost. To prevent these edits from being lost, either compress all the edits to the base table before unregistering the data or compress them to the DEFAULT version from the Unregister As Versioned dialog box. The software prompts you to compress the edits to the base table when you attempt to unregister a feature class as versioned.

You can access the Unregister As Versioned command from the dataset context menu.

To avoid the need to unregister feature classes, try to apply all topology, network dataset, and geometric network behavior to your geodatabase before you register data. Test the topology, network dataset, and geometric network in a file geodatabase or on a development server to ensure that you are not missing any rules. This can save you from having to unregister feature classes later in production.

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