[GIS] Version editing for Postgresql 9.2.4 / postGIS 2


I am "building" a GIS with PostgreSQL 9.2.4 / PostGIS 2 as the database and QGIS 1.8.0 as the geographic application. There will be multiple users accessing, editing and viewing the data at the same time.


  1. Is version editing automatically enforced in PostgreSQL 9.2.4 / PostGIS 2?
  2. Is it possible to enable/enforce version editing and if yes how?

I have had a look at pgVersion for PostgreSQL 9.2.4 / PostGIS 2 and the QGIS pgVersion plugin. However, if I understand correctly (reading the help files and testing it), pgVersion only allows editing of cell values of existing columns and also no new geographic features can be added.

Best Answer

Yes it seems that PostgreSQL/PostGIS does allow multiple users to edit and view the same data at the same time automatically, whether it is viewed or edited in PostgreSQL/PostGIS or QGIS. However, if not properly managed this, apparently, may result in overlapping and/or corrupt features.

Here are the links from which I made my conclusions:

Please note that the question and answers in the above links were asked/answered about 5 years ago, which mean they point to earlier program versions. However, I cannot imagine the newer versions of PostgreSQL/PostGIS not supporting multi-user editing (might even have been enhanced).

Update: For those using QGIS 1.8.0, under the tab 'Table' in DB Manager there is a Versioning option. However, I keep getting an error that states 'language "SQL" does not exist.'. Any suggestions on how to bypass or fix this error? Does anyone else have the same problem/error?