Coordinate System – How to Convert Longitude 0-360 to -180 to 180

coordinate systemfortranlatitude longitude

I have a netCDF file that contains climate data in a Gaussian grid. The longitudes are given from 0 to 360. I need to convert this to -180 to 180.

Is this the correct formula –

If longitude is greater than 180 subtract 360

I am looking to do this in Fortran.

Best Answer

Here is an example for fortran:

Variables in explanation:

long1 is the longitude varying from -180 to 180 or 180W-180E
long3 is the longitude variable from 0 to 360 (all positive)

To convert longitude from (0-360) to (-180 to 180)

 Matlab and fortran long1=mod((long3+180),360)-180

 Matlab long1=rem((long3+180),360)-180

 Fortran long1=modulo((long3+180),360)-180

To convert longitude from (-180 to 180) to (0-360)

 Matlab lon3=mod(lon1,360)

 Fortran lon3=modulo(lon1,360)

The “mod” function is Fortran is equivalent to “rem” function in Matlab.

The “modulo” function in Fortran is equivalent to “mod” function in Matlab.