[GIS] Vector to Raster using GDAL (gdal.RasterizeLayer) : Error in Output Raster(generating output raster with NAN values)


For rasterizing a vector layer, I have tried gdal.RasterizeLayer method for converting vector(shapefile) to raster(tiff). But its giving raster output with NAN values(complete black image). I need some help in which where I am doing wrong. And I want to print one attribute value from shapefile to raster & remaining values should be zero in outRaster.

My code ( using Gdal )is

    NoDataVal = -9999

    # Open the data source and read in the extent
    inPolygonShp = r"E:\polygons.shp"
    inGridSize=float(2)/110575      # nearly I am converting to 2 meters gridsize since its in GCS coordinates (vector layer)
    shpDS = ogr.Open(inPolygonShp)
    shpLayer = shpDS.GetLayer()

    # Create the destination data source
    xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = shpLayer.GetExtent()
    xRes = int((xMax - xMin) / inGridSize)
    yRes = int((yMax - yMin) / inGridSize)
    rasterDS = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(outputRaster, xRes, yRes, 1,    gdal.GDT_Byte)

    # Define spatial reference
    rasterDS.SetGeoTransform((xMin, inGridSize, 0, yMax, 0, -inGridSize))
    rBand = rasterDS.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Rasterize
    err = gdal.RasterizeLayer(rasterDS, [1], shpLayer, burn_values=[200], options = ["ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE"])

    # for rasterizing with a attribute value of polygon
    # err = gdal.RasterizeLayer(rasterDS, [1], shpLayer, burn_values=[0], options = ["ATTRIBUTE= Height"])

Here I feel its generating a raster file but its failed to overwrite with shapefile values.
I need some help in this regard.

Best Answer

I think you're pretty much there...but you may not need burn_values, try this:

err = gdal.RasterizeLayer(rasterDS, [1], shpLayer, options = ["ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE", "ATTRIBUTE=POLYNUMB"])

where POLYNUMB is just an example of a column name in your shapefile that you wish to rasterize. Note that all_touched=true may or may not be what you want...test it out and look at your edges.

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