[GIS] vector affine transformation tool in QGIS2

affine transformationcoordinate systemqgis-2vector

In QGIS 1.8, I can transform my point layer with the plugin "Affine transformation". So, this plugin don't exist in QGIS 2.0.

Do you know a method to simply translate (i.e : X -> X+30000) in QGIS 2 ? It's possible in QGIS or I must use ogr2ogr, QGIS 1.8 or openjump ?

Best Answer

You can use ogr2ogr with SpatiaLite support (GDAL version >= 1.10):

ogr2ogr points_shifted.shp points.shp -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ShiftCoords(geometry,30000,0) FROM points"