[GIS] Using Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM) tool from ArcScripts at latest version of ArcGIS for Desktop


I need to use the Vector ruggedness measure (VRM) tool available from http://arcscripts.esri.com/details.asp?dbid=15423. However, I am using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop and these tools are made for 9.0, 9.1 and 9.3 only. I have tried to run this tool regardless and get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File
data\My_tools\Downloaded\ruggedness.py", line 20, in
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx")
RuntimeError: Object: Toolbox C:/Program
Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx does not

Failed to execute (Ruggedness(VRM)).

How can I use this tool?

Best Answer

Since you are using v10.2 it is looking for the path of the Spatial Analyst toolbox which has changed directory locations slightly from v9:

To update, open the ruggedness.py file using Notepad or some other text editor and change line 20 path to something like this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx
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