[GIS] Using Update Cursor to update all fields in a feature class based upon another feature class


I have perused GIS stack exchange to find an answer, but haven't quite found what I am looking for.

Question: How can I update all the fields in a feature class based upon field values from another feature class?

Here is my original feature class, (image on left) with 896 records of which I only need to update 11 records from the old feature class with the 11 records shown in the new UpdatedTAZnumbers feature class (image on right).

enter image description here

The new feature class which has the correct updated values has the exact same fields just with different values in them. There are over 100 fields thus joining the layers and using field calculator would take forever.

Therefore, I am thinking a script and in this case perhaps an updatecursor would be the best route to take.

I am fairly new to python and am struggling with something that seems so simple.
My script below currently does not work and I know it starts with the line in the update cursor

 *while row:
 row.setValue(oldfc, row.getValue(newfc))*

I am using ArcGIS 10.3.1 and Python 2.7.

    import arcpy
    from arcpy import env

    from datetime import datetime
    startTime = datetime.now()

    arcpy.env.workspace = r"workspace.gdb"

    oldfc = r"workspace.gdb\TAZfromTransCAD...."

    newfc = r"workspace.gdb\UpdatedTAZnumbers"

    ##oldfields = [u'OBJECTID', u'Shape', u'ID', u'AREA', u'AREA1', u'TAZ', u'ACRES', u'HH2005', u'HH2010', u'HH2015', u'HH2020', u'HH2025', u'HH2030', u'HH2035', u'LOWINCHH05', u'LOWINCHH10', u'LOWINCHH15', u'LOWINCHH20', u'LOWINCHH25', u'LOWINCHH30', u'LOWINCHH35', u'MEDINCHH05', u'MEDINCHH10', u'MEDINCHH15', u'MEDINCHH20', u'MEDINCHH25', u'MEDINCHH30', u'MEDINCHH35', u'HIINCHH05', u'HIINCHH10', u'HIINCHH15', u'HIINCHH20', u'HIINCHH25', u'HIINCHH30', u'HIINCHH35', u'HHPOP2005', u'HHPOP2010', u'HHPOP2015', u'HHPOP2020', u'HHPOP2025', u'HHPOP2030', u'HHPOP2035', u'GQPOP2005', u'GQPOP2010', u'GQPOP2015', u'GQPOP2020', u'GQPOP2025', u'GQPOP2030', u'GQPOP2035', u'HHOF1_2005', u'HHOF1_2010', u'HHOF1_2015', u'HHOF1_2020', u'HHOF1_2025', u'HHOF1_2030', u'HHOF1_2035', u'HHOF2_2005', u'HHOF2_2010', u'HHOF2_2015', u'HHOF2_2020', u'HHOF2_2025', u'HHOF2_2030', u'HHOF2_2035', u'HHOF3_2005', u'HHOF3_2010', u'HHOF3_2015', u'HHOF3_2020', u'HHOF3_2025', u'HHOF3_2030', u'HHOF3_2035', u'HHOF4_2005', u'HHOF4_2010', u'HHOF4_2015', u'HHOF4_2020', u'HHOF4_2025', u'HHOF4_2030', u'HHOF4_2035', u'HHOF5_2005', u'HHOF5_2010', u'HHOF5_2015', u'HHOF5_2020', u'HHOF5_2025', u'HHOF5_2030', u'HHOF5_2035', u'HHOF6_2005', u'HHOF6_2010', u'HHOF6_2015', u'HHOF6_2020', u'HHOF6_2025', u'HHOF6_2030', u'HHOF6_2035', u'HHOF7_2005', u'HHOF7_2010', u'HHOF7_2015', u'HHOF7_2020', u'HHOF7_2025', u'HHOF7_2030', u'HHOF7_2035', u'POP019_05', u'POP019_10', u'POP019_15', u'POP019_20', u'POP019_25', u'POP019_30', u'POP019_35', u'POP2054_05', u'POP2054_10', u'POP2054_15', u'POP2054_20', u'POP2054_25', u'POP2054_30', u'POP2054_35', u'POP55_05', u'POP55_10', u'POP55_15', u'POP55_20', u'POP55_25', u'POP55_30', u'POP55_35', u'ELEM2005', u'ELEM2010', u'ELEM2015', u'ELEM2020', u'ELEM2025', u'ELEM2030', u'ELEM2035', u'HISCHL2005', u'HISCHL2010', u'HISCHL2015', u'HISCHL2020', u'HISCHL2025', u'HISCHL2030', u'HISCHL2035', u'COLLEGE05', u'COLLEGE10', u'COLLEGE15', u'COLLEGE20', u'COLLEGE25', u'COLLEGE30', u'COLLEGE35', u'AMC2005', u'AMC2010', u'AMC2015', u'AMC2020', u'AMC2025', u'AMC2030', u'AMC2035', u'MTCUW2005', u'MTCUW2010', u'MTCUW2015', u'MTCUW2020', u'MTCUW2025', u'MTCUW2030', u'MTCUW2035', u'RETAIL2005', u'RETAIL2010', u'RETAIL2015', u'RETAIL2020', u'RETAIL2025', u'RETAIL2030', u'RETAIL2035', u'SVCOFC2005', u'SVCOFC2010', u'SVCOFC2015', u'SVCOFC2020', u'SVCOFC2025', u'SVCOFC2030', u'SVCOFC2035', u'OTHER2005', u'OTHER2010', u'OTHER2015', u'OTHER2020', u'OTHER2025', u'OTHER2030', u'OTHER2035', u'GAMING2005', u'GAMING2010', u'GAMING2015', u'GAMING2020', u'GAMING2025', u'GAMING2030', u'GAMING2035', u'HOTELRM05', u'HOTELRM10', u'HOTELRM15', u'HOTELRM20', u'HOTELRM25', u'HOTELRM30', u'HOTELRM35', u'PARKING05', u'PARKING10', u'PARKING15', u'PARKING20', u'PARKING25', u'PARKING30', u'PARKING35', u'JURISDICT', u'JURISDNUM', u'REGCTR_TOD', u'RC_TOD_NUM', u'DISTRICT57', u'SHAPE_LENG', u'CBD', u'DISTRICT20', u'DISTNAME20', u'SHAPE@']
    ##newfields = [u'OBJECTID', u'Shape', u'ID', u'AREA',u'AREA1', u'TAZ', u'ACRES', u'HH2005', u'HH2010', u'HH2015', u'HH2020', u'HH2025', u'HH2030', u'HH2035', u'LOWINCHH05', u'LOWINCHH10', u'LOWINCHH15', u'LOWINCHH20', u'LOWINCHH25', u'LOWINCHH30', u'LOWINCHH35', u'MEDINCHH05', u'MEDINCHH10', u'MEDINCHH15', u'MEDINCHH20', u'MEDINCHH25', u'MEDINCHH30', u'MEDINCHH35', u'HIINCHH05', u'HIINCHH10', u'HIINCHH15', u'HIINCHH20', u'HIINCHH25', u'HIINCHH30', u'HIINCHH35', u'HHPOP2005', u'HHPOP2010', u'HHPOP2015', u'HHPOP2020', u'HHPOP2025', u'HHPOP2030', u'HHPOP2035', u'GQPOP2005', u'GQPOP2010', u'GQPOP2015', u'GQPOP2020', u'GQPOP2025', u'GQPOP2030', u'GQPOP2035', u'HHOF1_2005', u'HHOF1_2010', u'HHOF1_2015', u'HHOF1_2020', u'HHOF1_2025', u'HHOF1_2030', u'HHOF1_2035', u'HHOF2_2005', u'HHOF2_2010', u'HHOF2_2015', u'HHOF2_2020', u'HHOF2_2025', u'HHOF2_2030', u'HHOF2_2035', u'HHOF3_2005', u'HHOF3_2010', u'HHOF3_2015', u'HHOF3_2020', u'HHOF3_2025', u'HHOF3_2030', u'HHOF3_2035', u'HHOF4_2005', u'HHOF4_2010', u'HHOF4_2015', u'HHOF4_2020', u'HHOF4_2025', u'HHOF4_2030', u'HHOF4_2035', u'HHOF5_2005', u'HHOF5_2010', u'HHOF5_2015', u'HHOF5_2020', u'HHOF5_2025', u'HHOF5_2030', u'HHOF5_2035', u'HHOF6_2005', u'HHOF6_2010', u'HHOF6_2015', u'HHOF6_2020', u'HHOF6_2025', u'HHOF6_2030', u'HHOF6_2035', u'HHOF7_2005', u'HHOF7_2010', u'HHOF7_2015', u'HHOF7_2020', u'HHOF7_2025', u'HHOF7_2030', u'HHOF7_2035', u'POP019_05', u'POP019_10', u'POP019_15', u'POP019_20', u'POP019_25', u'POP019_30', u'POP019_35', u'POP2054_05', u'POP2054_10', u'POP2054_15', u'POP2054_20', u'POP2054_25', u'POP2054_30', u'POP2054_35', u'POP55_05', u'POP55_10', u'POP55_15', u'POP55_20', u'POP55_25', u'POP55_30', u'POP55_35', u'ELEM2005', u'ELEM2010', u'ELEM2015', u'ELEM2020', u'ELEM2025', u'ELEM2030', u'ELEM2035', u'HISCHL2005', u'HISCHL2010', u'HISCHL2015', u'HISCHL2020', u'HISCHL2025', u'HISCHL2030', u'HISCHL2035', u'COLLEGE05', u'COLLEGE10', u'COLLEGE15', u'COLLEGE20', u'COLLEGE25', u'COLLEGE30', u'COLLEGE35', u'AMC2005', u'AMC2010', u'AMC2015', u'AMC2020', u'AMC2025', u'AMC2030', u'AMC2035', u'MTCUW2005', u'MTCUW2010', u'MTCUW2015', u'MTCUW2020', u'MTCUW2025', u'MTCUW2030', u'MTCUW2035', u'RETAIL2005', u'RETAIL2010', u'RETAIL2015', u'RETAIL2020', u'RETAIL2025', u'RETAIL2030', u'RETAIL2035', u'SVCOFC2005', u'SVCOFC2010', u'SVCOFC2015', u'SVCOFC2020', u'SVCOFC2025', u'SVCOFC2030', u'SVCOFC2035', u'OTHER2005', u'OTHER2010', u'OTHER2015', u'OTHER2020', u'OTHER2025', u'OTHER2030', u'OTHER2035', u'GAMING2005', u'GAMING2010', u'GAMING2015', u'GAMING2020', u'GAMING2025', u'GAMING2030', u'GAMING2035', u'HOTELRM05', u'HOTELRM10', u'HOTELRM15', u'HOTELRM20', u'HOTELRM25', u'HOTELRM30', u'HOTELRM35', u'PARKING05', u'PARKING10', u'PARKING15', u'PARKING20', u'PARKING25', u'PARKING30', u'PARKING35', u'JURISDICT', u'JURISDNUM', u'REGCTR_TOD', u'RC_TOD_NUM', u'DISTRICT57', u'SHAPE_LENG', u'CBD', u'DISTRICT20', u'DISTNAME20', u'SHAPE@']

    cursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc)
    row =cursor.next()

    while row:
        row.setValue(oldfc, row.getValue(newfc))
        row = cursor.next()

    print datetime.now() - startTime

Best Answer

To do this with ArcPy cursors I think you will need to use both a Search Cursor to read one table and an Update Cursor to write to the other.

Since you are using a version that is 10.1 or later I recommend using arcpy.da cursors rather than the old style because they are about 10 times as fast.

You would use a run through arcpy.da.SearchCursor() to load a Python dictionary with your IDs as the keys, and your values being a list of the field values.

Then use a run through arcpy.da.UpdateCursor() to read each list of field values and extract them into their correct fields.

However, if you did not have many fields to update and have a unique identifier that is common to both tables, then I think you will find this far easier to do in ArcMap (or ArcPy) by adding a join and then calculating fields in one table to be equal to joined fields from the other.

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