[GIS] Using QGIS 3.0 raster calculator


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I have a lesson/class assignment that teaches the use of format and export environmental raster data, but the issue is the lesson is outdated from the new QGIS version.

Lesson states:

Multiply the values in two layers together, or (as here)
divide all values in a layer by 10. In QGIS, go to Raster > Raster Calculator. Now, select the layer you want to manipulate (bio_1) by double-clicking it, select the name and directory of the Output layer, and then type the expression to divide by 10 – use the buttons, not your keyboard to type / 10:

Then click OK!

The QGIS 3.0 program doesn't allow you to create a new output file (or to my knowledge).

What should I do?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Those instructions seem perfectly valid for the Raster Calculator in QGIS 3.0.

Output file settings are in the upper-right corner of the Raster Calculator window. Enter the filepath and name for your new raster where it says "Output layer."

enter image description here

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