OGR2OGR – Using OGR2OGR to Reproject and Rename into Shapefile

batchogr2ogrwindows 7

I'm trying to reproject, move from tab to shp and rename all the .tab contained in a folder tree using ogr2ogr.

I'm working with Windows 7, QGIS 1.8 installed with advanced OsGeo4w and gdal 1.9.2. I have no experience in batch.

Here's the code :

for /R %%f IN ('D:\3.BATCH\FAUNE\*.tab') do C:\Users\Samy\Desktop\SIGMA\15.webmapping\ms4w\tools\gdal-ogr\ogr2ogr.exe -s_srs EPSG:3727 -t_srs EPSG:2975 %%f "ESRI Shapefile" %%f_2975.shp %%f

By calling this .bat into the cmd line, nothing append. When I simplify the code, I have in the best case "Unable to open" as Nik posted in the 3rd ressource below.

I wrote this code with the following questions:

  1. Using ogr2ogr to convert all shapefiles in directory?

  2. Is there any way to reproject multiple layers in QGIS?

  3. How to reproject shapefile using ogr2ogr

According to resource 1, I translate the -f "MapInfo File" "%~dpnf.tab" "%f" into %%f "ESRI Shapefile" %%f_2975.shp %%f because as it is shape, I can't use dpnf.

According to resource 2, I wrote -s_srs EPSG:3727 -t_srs EPSG:2975 to reproject.

Finally I checked that the "Hide extensions for known file types" was off, according to ressource 3.

I don't know what to do now. There seems to be so many different ways to write this one line of code.

Best Answer

There are a few %%f too much in your command line. This one worked for me (with another conversion target):

for /R %%F IN ('D:\3.BATCH\FAUNE\*.tab') do C:\Users\Samy\Desktop\SIGMA\15.webmapping\ms4w\tools\gdal-ogr\ogr2ogr.exe -s_srs EPSG:3727 -t_srs EPSG:2975 -f "ESRI Shapefile" %%~dpnF_2975.shp %%F

Main obstacle is that %%F already contains the file extension, so you have to skip that with ~dpnF_2975.shp.

Note that f and F are considered as different by the Operating System.

You skipped the ~dpnf, but that is the essential part of clipping the file name to the desired part without extension. You can replace dp with full drive and path name.