[GIS] Using multiple Openlayers.Control.SelectFeature controls


I am working with Openlayers 2. The problem that I am facing right now is that I have multiple editable layers in my application I want to add, delete, modify features as well as Displaying Feature information regarding features. So that I uses one SelectFeature Control for displaying info and one for deleting feature. when I select control from one of them it results conflicting with each other.

How can i remove this problem?

Best Answer

Try defining seperate events like this:


            "featureselected": function(e) {
                showStatus("selected feature "+e.feature.id+" on Vector Layer 1");
            "featureunselected": function(e) {
                showStatus("unselected feature "+e.feature.id+" on Vector Layer 1");
            "featureselected": function(e) {
                showStatus("selected feature "+e.feature.id+" on Vector Layer 2");
            "featureunselected": function(e) {
                showStatus("unselected feature "+e.feature.id+" on Vector Layer 2");

There is a working example in offical OpenLayers example site http://dev.openlayers.org/examples/select-feature-multilayer.html