[GIS] Using multiple attributes feature for symbology in ArcMap


I am trying to make a map using US census data showing vacant housing to total housing on the same map.

I came across the "multiple attributes" feature under the symbology tab and wondered if this is the way to go and, if so, how to use it?

I have only been able to get one type of symbol, the gradient feature to appear.

I'm using ArcGIS Desktop 10.

Best Answer

The multiple attributes feature under symbology is indeed the way to go. If you select the two categories that you want to use to colour and scale your symbols in the value fields section and then select Add All Values to create a list of all the unique combinations of value pairs. To apply the scaling by colour and symbol size click on the Color Ramp and Symbol Size buttons and select one of your two fields in each box.

Menu image

You can also manually style individual value pairs by double clicking on the symbol beside the value pair and selecting your preferred style.

I did this for some sample data I created and got results like this:

result image

Some more help can be found in the ArcGIS documentation which covers more complex cases.