[GIS] Using Label Leader line in QGIS


I am using QGIS 3.2.

I am trying and trying to get a line from my points to my labels! I have not moved the labels manually, but they are offset using the "offset from point" choice for placement.
There seems to be a new field in the attribute table called "auxiliary_storage_labeling_offsetquad". I activated the little data defined box and chose the aux storage for the Field Type for everything relevant – see below (maybe more than needed?)

enter image description here

I am trying to use the Geometry Generator and have tried many slight variations in the formula. I tried creating new fields of x and y in my table and defining the labels with those, as suggested in some tutorials (i think for older versions). Heres my latest attempt as an example

enter image description here

I don't know what I'm doing wrong and don't know what else to try.

Best Answer

There were a couple of changes made to Easy Custom Labeling tool.

  1. associated field names for X, Y coordinates of labels have changed to "LblX" and "LblY".
  2. the output comes with Line geometries.

So, please try make_line(start_point($geometry), make_point("LblX", "LblY")) instead.

enter image description here

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