[GIS] Using GDAL to merge 3 bands to form a multispectral image


I have 3 separate *.tif image files as grayscale. They are representing data acquired with a scanner. Each of them is a separate band of the scanner; red, green, and blue. I would like to reassemble them in a single RGB *.tif image file.

Using gdal_merge.py -o RGB.tif -co PHOTOMETRIC=RGB red.tif green.tif blue.tif

doesn't work; I end up with a single grayscale image which size is the sum of all individual images.
How to achieve this simple operation?

(They are not geotiff, just simple tif files; there is no tfw)

Best Answer

Per user30184's comment, you can use gdal_merge like so:

gdal_merge.py -separate  -o new_rgb.tif -co PHOTOMETRIC=MINISBLACK C:\input_r.tif C:\input_g.tif C:\input_b.tif