[GIS] Using gdal merge correctly


Currently trying to use gdal_merge within qgis to stack three raster bands, the command it's showing is like this:

gdal_merge.bat -separate -of GTiff -o out.tif "LC80190302014126LGN00_B4.TIF" "LC80190302014126LGN00_B3.TIF" "LC80190302014126LGN00_B2.TIF"

however it keeps giving me ERROR 1: TIFFOpen:out.tif: Permission denied

I realize this should be a fairly simple procedure, is there something obvious I'm missing here?

Best Answer

"TIFFOpen:out.tif: Permission denied" message means that you do not have enough rights to write a new file into the target directory. Edit the -o parameter to point to some directory where you have write access.

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