ArcGIS Desktop – Using Data Driven Pages to Create Maps with Same Extent


Is it possible to utilise the Data Driven Pages (DDP) tool in ArcMap or ArcPy to create a set of maps with the same extent but showing different layers?

To clarify I regularly make large sets of maps for projects all in the same location often with the same baselayers but modified to focus on different aspects for the relevant section of a report such as monitoring locations, land-use, key features etc. which all require separate .mxds to be created and maintained.

A DDP type system would allow me to utilise the dynamic text and ensure a standard template / output throughout, it would also make life a lot easier when updating a general figure number or comment as a report is written in one .mxd rather than multiple for a client.

I'm using ArcMap 10.1, but having read through the ArcGIS DDP online help I assume this would have to be done with ArcPy as I've been unable to figure out how to do it within ArcMap. I'm aware that QGIS has the Atlas Plugin, although I'm not as familiar with its capabilities but would happily use it as an alternative.

Best Answer

A code free method

When you turn on data driven pages you can specify a definition query that is dependant on the page number. Simply use that query to hide all features from layers that you do not want to show.

  1. Setup your map frames to be in the same location, but with a field for page number. Setup Data driven pages with the page number as the name field.
  2. If you want a layer to be turned on for a particular page, add a "page" attribute to its table, and set to the relevant page number.
  3. Add a Page Definition Query to the particular layer with your newly created field.

When the page is selected the desired layers will become visible based on the page definition query.

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