[GIS] Using ArcGIS Desktop on a remote desktop server


We have about 5 users, they will user ArcGIS Desktop 10.2 by connecting to a Server through Remote Desktop Connection. ArcGIS Desktop obtain licence from a licence manager on anther server.

If the 5 users working at the same (Remotely from same Server), how many licences on Licence manager will be used?
Are the licences are per IP or per user?

Adding one more point

How I can give the users different type of licences? Example one will have Advanced and other will have Editor, etc..
We tried to experiment this, If licence changed for one user it will change for all other user.

Best Answer

My organisation operates in a similar setup. We have found that licenses are assigned to each user/connection, so each user would get a separate license.

Opening extra sessions for each user will not consume extra licenses, but if they open a session on a different connection (still with their same user) will consume an extra license.

Regarding your extra comment about assigning specific types of licenses to users - this is done from each login using the ArcGIS Administrator (Start > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Administrator) and selecting Desktop in the left-hand section. You can then select the relevant license type in the section on the right. Admin access is required to run the ArcGIS Administrator.