[GIS] Using American Fact Finder to download data for all block groups in state at same time


I am having issues using the advanced search on the American Fact Finder to download census block data for a whole state at a time. The best option that it gives me, when trying any route, is to select geographies of all census block groups within a county within a state. This leaves me with the option then of selecting every county, but in some states (like Texas) that have more than 250 counties, I am out of luck with this method.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

To duplicate my error:

  • Visit http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml
  • Then select Advanced Search,
  • Then select on the left "Geographies",
  • Then select "all geographic types" radial button,
  • Then in the dropdown, select Block Group or part,
  • Then select state in the next drop down, and you will start to see
    the issue.

Also, if instead of using the list search and you use the tab that says "name" I run into the same issue.

Does anyone have any experience with American Fact Finder downloads?

I am not asking the same question here as I am looking to see if this is possible just by accessing AFF not their ftp.
Gathering data for large number of census block groups?

Best Answer

Try NHGIS, which allows you to get blocks for all states.

Set the filters aenter image description heres I have done in the attached screen shot.