Map Zoom Level – Using Browser’s Developer Tools to See Zoom Level of Current Map


What I'm looking for

Where a map is being served by Mapbox in my browser is there anywhere within the Chrome/Firefox Developer Tools where it shows the current zoom level as displayed on screen?

What I've tried

I can see what zoom level the map starts at (within the code for website) and could manually count the number of clicks or scrolls I make. I know there is a listener function that knows what zoom level I'm on and trying find if that is reported in the console or other part of the Developer Tools panel

Why I'm looking for it

I'm trying to get a feel for what data to show at what zoom level so looking a precedent websites.

Best Answer

With raster tiles you can usually see it on the tile URLs. For example the tile corresponds to zoom level 16. This works for all XYZ tile servers. For details see slippy map tilenames.

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