[GIS] Upload KML / GML / GeoJson to Geoserver through Rest API


What is the best option, if any, to upload a vector format like GeoJson, and or GML to Geoserver?

The environment from which to upload will be a client web-application, so i cannot use curl. In the backend, i am using a C#-Proxy to connect to Geoserver.

Do I have to convert the file to shape (*.shp) first in some way, which i am able to upload via REST, or is there an option to load the data directly?

On the docs, there is an option for uploading property files, but i cannot find any documentation on it and am not shure about how to use that or if it can help solving my problems.

Best Answer

As user30184 said, the importer extension has been designed exactly for this job, and will convert the data into the format of the chosen target store (e.g., will import the data into postgis or oracle for you).

WFS-T is more geared towards single feature editing than "mass import" and can only handle GML anyways.