[GIS] Updating point geometry based on geometry of another feature class using arcgisscripting


I'm looking to update the point geometry of lets say "oldFC" by obtaining the shape geometry of "newFC" and applying that to the "oldFC". I also want it to grab the value in the ID field in "newFC"and use that to search for the same ID in "oldFC" and then set the shape value.

I believe I have the loop set up and it appears to be grabbing the ID just fine but it doesn't update the shape geometry.

I'm very much a beginner with using Python so my code is rough.

Here's the code snippet… running 9.3 (no access to 10):

rows = gp.SearchCursor(newFC):

row = rows.next()

gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(oldFC, oldLayer, "")
gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(newFC, newLayer, "")

while row:

newgeo = row.getValue("Shape")
newID = row.getValue("ID")

print newgeo
print newID

where =  "ID" + '= '   + str(newID) #my sql expression

print where

new_rows = gp.UpdateCursor(oldFC, where)
new_row = rows.next()
while new_row:
    new_row.setValue("Shape", newgeo)
    new_row = new_rows.next()
row = rows.next()

Best Answer

You won't want to use the setValue method to set geometry. It should be:

new_row.shape = newgeo
new_row = new_rows.next()
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