[GIS] Updating GeoJSON properties


Below is my demand.js file containing my geojson data:

var campus = {
    "features": [
            "type": "Feature",     
            "properties": {
                "name": "ANG MO KIO",        
            "geometry": {
                "type": "MultiPolygon",
                "coordinates": [[[

function setDemand(id, newdemand) {   
    for (var i=0; i<campus.length;i++) {
        if (campus[i].features.id > id) {
            campus[i].features.properties.demand = newdemand;
        } else {
            campus[i].features.properties.demand = newdemand+100;

The setDemand function is called when the select button is triggered:

<select onchange="setDemand(10,1000)">

But it does not work – the properties do not change. I am new to geoJSON/JSON.

Best Answer

Note that campus is not an array, so you can not do


Instead, campus is a plain javascript object with a features property which is an array, so you can do


In order to change a property of the i-th feature in a GeoJSON FeatureCollection, just

campus.features[i].properties.demand = newValue;

Your original question had a syntax error in the GeoJSON (an additional set of brackets). If you're new to GeoJSON and you are writing the GeoJSON structures by yourself, please use a tool like http://geojsonlint.com/ to make sure that the structures are valid.