[GIS] Update multiple fields/columns in QGIS


I need to update fields in attribute table of a vector using QGIS. I use field calculator for each field, but i have too many fields (and too many vectors also) and i need to program the task. The code that i'm using for each first field is:

segALD00*(((xmin($geometry) – xmax($geometry))^2+(ymin($geometry) –

to the last field

segALD23*(((xmin($geometry) – xmax($geometry))^2+(ymin($geometry) –

Then another vector:

segETH00*(((xmin($geometry) – xmax($geometry))^2+(ymin($geometry) –

to the last field

segETH23*(((xmin($geometry) – xmax($geometry))^2+(ymin($geometry) –

How can i code this?

Best Answer

Open Python console and show the editor, and paste the following code.

I suppose that segALD00 is the name of a field which you want to update with a derivative of its own value, and that longkm is another field.

The script defines a local function upd_value, which does the calculation of the new value.

# definition of the function which calculates new values
def upd_value(feat, value):
    # calculations come here, e.g.
    geom = feat.geometry().boundingBox()
    result = value * (((geom.xMinimum() - geom.xMaximum())**2 + 
        (geom.yMinimum() - geom.yMaximum())**2)**.5)*102.47
    return result

# get the active layer
layer = iface.activeLayer()
prov = layer.dataProvider()

# get the fields
fnm = prov.fieldNameMap() 

# get an iterator for the features
feats = prov.getFeatures()

# calculate new values and update fields with fieldnames beginning 
# with 'seg' in one single step
result = prov.changeAttributeValues({feat.id(): \
    {fnm[fn]: upd_value(feat, feat[fn]*feat['longkm']) \
    for fn in fnm if fn.startswith('seg')} \
    for feat in feats})