[GIS] Unstack band layers from raster


I have stacked layer (from ERDAS) of Landsat 1-5 and 7, bands. I want each of the bands in a separate layer. How can I do that?

Best Answer

I know this an old question, but here is another way to unstack multiband-image. The solution is done using QGIS with Orfeo toolbox installed. You can use split image tool from Orfeo toolbox. The Split Image, as you can see below, will split the multiband-image that you have into separate images, and each image has one band.

enter image description here

You need to specify an output filename. The output filename will be used to get the prefix and the extension of the output images to write.

In the example above, I just put Image.tif. You can choose any name you prefer.

However, Orfeo toolbox is not downloaded by default into QGIS. You need to download it separately, or better use OSGeo4W advanced install to download Orfeo toolbox from there.