[GIS] Unregistering OpenLayers events


    map.events.register('click', map, fucntion(e){alert('on')} ); 
    map.events.unregister('click', map, fucntion(e){alert('off')} ); 

Looks easy enough but un-registering just won't trigger. I try nesting unregistering inside register function call back but still nothing.

Here is how I created my map..

    var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds( 
            146501.328125, 2420230.75, 
            352670.46875, 2801126.25 
    var options = { 
            controls: [], 
            maxExtent: bounds, 
            maxResolution: 1487.873046875, 
            projection: "EPSG:3826", 
            unit: 'm' 
    format = "image/png"; 
    map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'MapPage_map-canvas2', options ); 

    event = map.events.register('move', map, function (evt) { 
            document.getElementById('map-url').innerHTML = map.getCenter(); 

    var county = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( 
                    LAYERS: 'AllenProject:county', 
                    STYLES: 'AllenProject_BlackBorder_GreyBackground', 
                    format: format, 
                    tiled: true, 
                    transparent: true, 
                    //tilesOrigin : map.maxExtent.left + ',' + map.maxExtent.bottom 
                    buffer: 0, 
                    //displayOutsideMaxExtent: true, 
                    transitionEffect: null, //'resize', 
                    isBaseLayer: true 

    map.events.register('click', map, function (evt) { 

    map.events.unregister('click', map, function (evt) { 

I don't understand this.

Best Answer

Solved... the problem with this is that register and unregister's call back has to be the same function. My way above is basically two different functions. To fix it this is what I did:

function doSomething(evt){
    map.events.unregister('move', map, doSomething);
map.events.register('move', map, doSomething);