QGIS – Unable to Run GRASS 7 Algorithms in QGIS 2.18.10 on Windows 7


Running Windows 7 Professional (64bit) SP1. I have QGIS 2.18.10 installed from the standalone installer. The GRASS commands (161 algorithms) are present in the toolbox and seem to run ok. However the GRASS GIS 7 commands (314 algorithms) result in the following message box:

enter image description here

I have tried uninstalling, deleting all traces of QGIS from the Registry, and then reinstalling using the OSGeo4W64 installer selecting various different options, including adding GRASS 6, also without any success. I deleted the OSGeo4W64 installation and reinstalled it. No change. I then re-installed the standalone QGIS package and copied the \msys folder from the OSGeo4W64 GRASS 6 installation into the \apps folder of the QGIS 2.18 directory. Nothing changed. I have ensured paths are correct in Providers section of Processing options:

enter image description here

I have ensured the output folder has no non-ASCII characters as that seems to be another possible cause, but still have not solved the issue.

Best Answer

It works for me after installing from OSGeo4W64 setup, but not from the standalone install. The standalone GRASS GUI does crashes for me too, while the one from OSGEO4W64 works.

Once installed, you have to set the GRASS path in the processing options to C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\grass\grass-7.2.1. Then you can access GRASS7 modules from both, standalone and OSGEO4W64 QGIS. Apart from that, Grass 7.2.0 will work too if you have QGIS LTR still running.

Unfortunately, the GRASS plugin does not work either, and the workaround does not help on that.

See https://issues.qgis.org/issues/16777 fro progress on the issue.


The issue has now been fixed in the OSGEO4W setup. To get QGIS 2.18.10 standalone running too, you can copy C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\gdal201.dll to C:\Program Files\QGIS 2.18\bin.