[GIS] Unable to register gdb with the server due to sql server client incompatibility

arcgis-serveresri-geodatabasesql server

There are two virtual machines:

  1. One where I've created an enterprise geodatabase on a Microsft SQL 2014 server- with a Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit Operating system

  2. And a second machine where ArcGIS Server 10.3 and ArcGIS Desktop 10.3 are installed + Microsoft SQl Server 2012 Native Client 64-bit SP1.
    This machine has a Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit Operating system, as well.

I'm trying to publish a map service on the server with data from the enterprise gdb. When trying to register my geodatabase with the server, I get the following error:

" The connection property set was missing a required property or the
property values was unrecognized. Connection was attempted with an
older version of SQL Server client communications software that is not
compatible with the SQL Server database server"

enter image description here

So I've search for Microsoft SQl Server 2014 Native Client but couldn't find it. There is no SQL Server 2014 Native Client.

It's the same problem as this one: https://geonet.esri.com/thread/84553, but for me installing the 64 bit client didn't fix the problem.

Best Answer

I was having this same problem after upgrading everything to 10.3.

I just dug this up from an old e-mail from ESRI Support. Here is the main part of the information in the e-mail.

Regarding SQL Server 2014 Client:

Please refer to following web-link for downloading the installer:

  1. Microsoft® ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server® - Windows http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36434
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