[GIS] Unable to Reconcile


I'm quite familiar with the ArcSDE model and a few days ago we have major power issues here.

My problem (and this is a BIG one) is that one of the users, made thousands of edits correcting data, and I can't reconcile his tables.

I get a message saying that a certain feature class had a state lock. Ok, I look into Oracle, and I can see the locks, just fine. But it's the lock applied when I start the edition to reconcile.

I've tried several approaches. I'm even wondering if I could delete that specific lock from the table and try to reconcile. I tried sdegdbrepair, using the diagnose command, but it gives me 0 tables with problems.


The specific message is: Underlying DBMS error [owner.featuerclass][state_id = 12007].

Do you guys have ANY suggestions at all?

Could this be a permission on dbms problem? I'm at Oracle 11g.


Best Answer

I am not sure I understand the "But it's the lock applied when I start the edition to reconcile" remark but what I'd do in that case is have all users close edit sessions and disconnect from db (close ArcMap and ArcCatalog, stop AGS services if any), then remove locks and try again.