[GIS] unable to publish a postgis layer to geoserver


I left arcgis and microsoft sql and now I am trying to connect Qgis+PostgreSQL (PostGIS) + GeoServer.

I've brought my postgis database to the server, created a "store". And now I'm trying to publish a layer. So I went to Layers- Choose my layer- Publish- Edit Layer (Data/Publishing)- configure everything there- SAVE and nothing happens… I can't see my layer in "Layer Preview"

So maybe configuring was wrong. I chose the native SRS, point style, authority name: admin, authorithy URL (is it the server's URL?? ). What is layer identifier, as well?

Thank your patience and answers:)

Best Answer

I have a tutorial you can follow at http://ian01.geog.psu.edu/geoserver_docs/data/naturalearth/index.html which should get you started. With out more information about what is actually going wrong (e.g. the log entries) it's hard to see what might be specifically wrong in your case.