[GIS] Unable to print feature layer from the ArcGIS Server



I replaced the url to my arcgis server by the IP address and everything worked. It was probably a problem with the web adaptor.

I am trying to print a map that I made with ArcGIS Server 10.2 and ArcGIS javascript API. If I remove the layers from ArcGIS Server it works (with ESRI basemap)

The problem is that I keep getting an error (code: 400, message: "Unable to complete operation.", details: Array[1], log: undefined, httpCode: 400).

which is more specifically –>

Unable to complete operation.
Error executing tool.: Layer "graphicsLayer8": Failed to create layer from service at http://MYSERVER.com/arcgis/rest/services/Tests/MyFirstMapService/MapServer/2. Layer "graphicsLayer9": Failed to create layer from service at http://MYSERVER.com/arcgis/rest/services/Tests/MyFirstMapService/MapServer/2. Layer "graphicsLayer10": Failed to create layer from service at http://MYSERVER.com/arcgis/rest/services/Tests/MyFirstMapService/MapServer/0. Failed to execute (Export Web Map). Failed to execute (Export Web Map Task).

I get the error if I try to do it via my web server or directly off the ArcGIS Server by doing :


I guess that means it's not a proxy or CORS problem.

Here's the code for the printing part :

printUrl = "http://MySERVER.com/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map%20Task";

    var printInfo = esriRequest({
      "url": printUrl,
      "content": { "f": "json" }
    printInfo.then(dojo.hitch(printUrl,dojo.hitch(myMap,handlePrintInfo)), handleError);

    function handlePrintInfo(resp) {

      var layoutTemplate, templateNames, mapOnlyIndex, templates;

      layoutTemplate = arrayUtils.filter(resp.parameters, function(param, idx) {
        return param.name === "Layout_Template";

      if ( layoutTemplate.length === 0 ) {
        console.log("print service parameters name for templates must be \"Layout_Template\"");
      templateNames = layoutTemplate[0].choiceList;

      // remove the MAP_ONLY template then add it to the end of the list of templates 
      mapOnlyIndex = arrayUtils.indexOf(templateNames, "MAP_ONLY");
      if ( mapOnlyIndex > -1 ) {
        var mapOnly = templateNames.splice(mapOnlyIndex, mapOnlyIndex + 1)[0];

      // create a print template for each choice
      templates = arrayUtils.map(templateNames, function(ch) {
        var plate = new PrintTemplate();
        plate.layout = plate.label = ch;
        plate.format = "PDF";
        plate.layoutOptions = { 
          "authorText": "Author.",
          "copyrightText": "<copyright info here>",
          "legendLayers": [], 
          "titleText": "A title", 
          "scalebarUnit": "Kilometers" 
        return plate;

      // create the print dijit
      var printer = new Print({
        "map": myMap,
        "templates": templates,
        "url": printUrl
      }, dojo.byId("print_button"));

    function handleError(err) {
      console.log("Something broke: ", err);

Best Answer

I changed the URL call to my arcgis server to the ip address and the map finally prints. Probably a problem with the web adaptor.