[GIS] Unable to Import Data


I am following this tutorial,

but i am not able to get the right username and password to import data. How do I know what the username password is? By default I see tomcat6 as database and username and no password in the textbox. As i am following the tutorial I changed it to username: postgis and password: postgres.

How do I know what my username and password is?


Import the data in PostGIS, which requires PostGIS connection.


Ok so i got the user and passwd but when I am trying to add the shapefile using the Shape File to PostGIS Importer Plugin and having made connection successfully, I am getting this error when I am adding the shapefile.

Connecting: host=localhost port=5432 user=admin dbname=shpRepo password='**********' 
Connection succeeded.
Connection: host=localhost port=5432 user=admin dbname=shpRepo password='**********' 
Destination: public.AllQuebecSpecies
Source File: /home/smaranh/development/Biodiversity/biodiversity/shapefile/AllQuebecSpecies
Shapefile type: Point
Postgis type: POINT[2]
CREATE TABLE "public"."AllQuebecSpecies" (gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
"family" varchar(50),
"species" varchar(50));
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('public','AllQuebecSpecies','the_geom','-1"
Failed in pgui_exec(): ERROR:  function addgeometrycolumn(unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer) does not exist
LINE 7: SELECT AddGeometryColumn('public','AllQuebecSpecies','the_ge...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

Shapefile import failed.

Can somebody tell me where am I going wrong?

Best Answer

Have you tried the username and password they show in the image when reading the documentation? (admin/geoserver)

When you first start the dashboard, it provides a reminder about the default password for accessing GeoServer [....] {followed by the image}

Otherwise, just above step 1 it says:


The PostGIS database has been installed with unrestricted access for local users (users connecting from the same machine as the database is running). That means that it will accept any password you provide. If you need to connect from a remote computer, the password for the postgres user has been set to postgres.