[GIS] Unable to explode multipart polygon


I have a taxlot that is giving me troubles in a Union. When I try to run the union I get the tried and true ''Geometry is not M-Aware'' message. (there are no Polygon-M features).
Based on readings on this site and the ESRI forums, I'm now trying to explode my taxlots prior to the union.
However I seem to have come across a mystical indestructible shape.
I've tried check and repair geometry with no results.
I've tried the Multipart-to-Singlepart tool and receive this message:

Cannot process feature with OID ...
Failed to execute

So I tried the explode function in the Advanced Editing Toolbar and go this lovely message:

explode fail

I calculated (!SHAPE!.partCount) the number of parts into a field and came up with 22.

Here is what the shape looks like:enter image description here


Best Answer

You mentioned using Explode from the Advanced Editing Toolbar - have you tried the Multipart to Singlepart tool in ArcToolbox?

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